
Exercise 4

ICONS by Parker Day

Exercise 4

Amalia Ulman's Excellences & Perfections

Exercise 4

Mixing Media - Post digital identity photography 1. (couldn't find the artist) 2. 3.

Exercise 4 This image is by Annie Polchinski off Flickr. I had trouble downloading the image but above is the link to the photo. I thought this represented identity as it shows many different personas, maybe this could reference the different personalities people portray online.

Mirror Response

I found the idea of movements made in an image and the reflectiveness of the environment affects a child very interesting. It almost seems like childhood psychology specifically the Baldwins work (six months and up). I found it very interesting that the mirroring stage of this is part of your identification or a transformation when the subject assumes an image. I found this most compelling as I never thought of an identification as mirroring an image.

The mirror stage of 'I'

This article goes deep into an infant establishing the 'I' when looking within the mirror to see an image of himself. Psychologically, this could create ego, seeing natural reality, internal pressures, imagination, subjective fragmented body, and isolating identification of the 'I' within the image seen in the mirror. Does this lead to narcissism? Or is it a negative image of self-evaluation within the mind of an infant trying to find 'I'?